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Your smile is your greatest asset–you deserve to feel confident when you wear it! While a healthy and attractive smile can help you make a great first impression, poor oral aesthetics can have a reverse impact and take a toll on your mental health.

The good news is that you can always improve your smile with dental implants. Dental implants can easily resolve the issue of a missing tooth, either due to disease or accident, and leave you with a more attractive smile that boosts your confidence.

young woman looking at smile in mirror after getting Dental Implants in Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Savage, MN, Lakeville, MN, OwatonnaWe are here to address your concerns about dental implants by answering some common and important questions, which may include:

  • Can dental implants be worn 24/7?

As these implants are artificial products, you may be wondering if they are safe to wear 24/7. Dental implants are actually non-removable, permanent solutions for missing teeth, so you do not have to worry about the safety of wearing these 24/7.

Once they are placed, you will not be able to remove them by yourself. Dental implants will serve you for a lifetime, as long as you are taking care of them and keeping your mouth healthy. This includes maintaining proper oral hygiene (regular brushing and flossing) and visiting your other dental specialists regularly.

  • How much do dental implants cost?

Budget is also a crucial concern when considering dental implants. Dental implants are a costly and worthwhile investment, which is why we are upfront about the costs of treatment and provide you with an itemized quote, as well as information on your estimated insurance coverage before the procedure occurs.

If you are searching for dental implants in Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Savage, MN, Lakeville, MN, or Owatonna, or the surrounding areas, we are the right solution for you!

Not only are we one of the most established and reliable medical care centers in the area,  we can provide you with a range of services to improve your oral health and overall confidence.

From dental implants, tooth extraction, wisdom tooth removal, jaw surgery, and more, we improve your smile and help you live life more confidently!

Contact us today to learn more about dental implants in Burnsville, Apple Valley, Eagan, Savage, MN, Lakeville, MN, or Owatonna, or the surrounding areas!