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No one looks forward to surgery, but when it comes to wisdom tooth extraction, the anticipation of pain can be just as daunting as the procedure itself. If you are scheduled for a wisdom tooth extraction you are not alone–and there really is nothing to worry about!

adult woman smiling after Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Apple Valley, Savage, MN, Owatonna, BurnsvilleAlthough the thought of the pain may be scary, many individuals have undergone wisdom tooth extraction and have been fine. However, knowing how to manage post-extraction pain is essential for a smooth recovery. With the right approach, you can minimize discomfort and get back to your life faster.

In addition to any medications your doctor may prescribe to manage postoperative pain, there are some super simple things that you can do at home to manage pain and promote healing. Here are some pro tips for managing wisdom tooth extraction pain:

  • Cold Compresses – Applying ice packs to the outside of your jaw can help reduce swelling and numb discomfort.
  • Stick to Soft Foods – Avoid chewing on the side of the extraction to prevent irritation.
  • Saltwater Rinse – Starting 24 hours after surgery, gently rinse with warm salt water to keep the area clean and prevent infection.

Recovery takes patience. If you want to improve recovery outcomes you should also steer clear of straws, smoking, or vigorous rinsing, which can cause dry socket. Taking these precautions can make all the difference!

At Dakota Valley Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery we specialize in wisdom tooth extraction in Apple Valley, Shakopee, Savage, MN, Owatonna, Eagan, Burnsville, and the surrounding areas. Our experienced team offers you expert guidance every step of the way, from the initial consultation to recovery.

Are you or a loved one in need of wisdom tooth extraction? Do you have questions about postoperative care? Contact us to get your questions answered and learn more about wisdom tooth extraction in Apple Valley, Shakopee, Savage, MN, Owatonna, Eagan, Burnsville, or beyond.